MCCC CIS 177 - Markup Languages

Assignment 1

Setup your assignment upload area 5 pts Due 9/10/03


Click here to access assignment upload area.


  1. Login to the area. Your username is the first initial of your first name followed by your last name with no space. All letters should be in lower case. Your password is your MCCC student ID. Please see me if you don't know what that is.

    Example: Username = kmarrs
    Password = 1234567
  2. Create 11 folders labeled as follows:

  3. You will be provided with further instructions on how to upload and what needs to be uploaded for each assignment.
  4. When you've completed creating your folders click the logout button at the top of the window.
  5. Return to this form and fill out the information below to notify me that the upload area is ready.
You must provide me with your real identity and a real email address. This is to ensure you receive proper credit for this assignment and so I can contact you if necessary.

First & Last Name:

Preferred Email Address:

So I can help you get the most out of this course, please rate this assignment.

Easy   Challenging   Difficult

Please feel free to share any comments or concerns you have.

©2003 Kathy Marrs All rights reserved.

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