The <marquee> tag is supported by IE 3.0 and higher. You can
use this tag to achieve similar results:
Edit raintxt.htm and add the following code:
<marquee bgcolor="#FFFFFF" scrolldelay="10" scrollamount="1"
direction="up" width="400" heigh="60">
<div style="color:#663366; font-size=12pt; text-align:center;
font-family: Times New Roman">
Today ... Partly sunny.<br>
Tonight ... partly cloudy. Showers with sleet.<br>
<a href="http://www.nps.gov/mora/weather.htm">Click
to view the weather page.</a>
Save and view the file.
<object> tag
You can use the <object> tag to embed sound and video clips,
applets and images.
Edit raintxt.htm to embed the Java applet using the
<object> tag:
<object classid="java:CreditRoll.class" width="400"
<param name="BGCOLOR" value="FFFFFF">
<param name="TEXTCOLOR" value="663366">
<param name="FADEZONE" value="20">
<param name="FONT" value="TIMES NEW ROMAN">
<param name="TEXT1" value="TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST">
<param name="TEXT2" value=" ">
<param name="TEXT3" value="TODAY...Partly sunny.">
<param name="TEXT4" value="TONIGHT...Partly cloudy.
Showers with sleet.">
<param name="TEXT5" value="TUESDAY...Rain heavy at
times. Snow likely.">
<param name="TEXT6" value="WEDNESDAY...Clearing.">
<param name="TEXT7" value=" ">
<param name="TEXT8" value="Click to view the Weather
<param name="URL" value="http://www.nps.gov/mora/current/weather.htm">
<param name="REPEAT" value="yes">
<param name="SPEED" value="100">
<param name="VSPACE" value="3">
<param name="FONTSIZE" value="12">
Save and view the file.
To nest the <object> tag, add the following code:
<object data="mrim.mpg" type="video/mpeg">
<object data="mrim.mov" type="video/quicktime">
<object data="mrim.avi"
Save and view the file.