MCCC CIS 177 - Markup Languages

Assignment 3

Code hyperlinks 5 pts Due 9/24/03
Part A: Create links to other pages using absolute and relative paths.
  1. Create two HTML documents and name them page1.html and page2.html
  2. Create a link from page1.html to page2.html and vice versa.
  3. Change the default colors of the links on page1.html to:

    alink yellow
    vlink magenta
    link red
  4. On page1.html, find an image and link it to a Web site of your choice. Set the attribute so the link opens in a new window.
  5. Upload the finished pages and image to your server area.
  6. Test the pages by opening them in the server area in the browser.
Part B: Create an image map.
  1. Download the image
  2. Calculate the center coordinate and radius of each circle and code an image map using the circle area shape. Link each circle to a different Web page.

    NOTE: Each circle is 50 x 50 pixels.
  3. Upload the finished page and image to your server area.
  4. Test the page by opening in the server area in the browser.
Part C: Create internal bookmarks.
  1. Save the file on your local disk
  2. Edit the file so that each item in the bulleted list at the beginning of the syllabus links internally to the appropriate section.

    HINT: Create target anchors for each <h3> tag
  3. Upload the finished page and image to your server area.
  4. Test the page by opening in the server area in the browser.

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